Saturday, July 30, 2011

How tell if a stink bug is pregnant?

How to tell if a stink bugs is pregnant?
Just like any other bug when stink bugs mate, the male deposits his "seed" into the female who then crawls to the underside of a leaf or something and pretty much pushes out the eggs. In her lifetime she can have anywhere from 400+ and that is a general estimate.
Assume that every stink bug is female and is about ready to burst with 1,000 more stink bug babies. Don't waste time examining these things. Regardless, of whether they are pregnant or not-they are living and that should not be.
Usually a sign that a bug is pregnant is that it may change colors or when you turn it over its abdomen is big and sometimes you can see the white eggs protruding out. I don't mean to "gross you out" but when one of these things is pregnant it tends to have an extreme urge to get outside and find a leaf, but they will lay their eggs anywhere they can including in your home, bed, refrigerator, closet, window seal etc.
If the abdomen of the next stink bug you kills oozes white stuff-it probably was pregnant.
If you see anything white and weeby in, at or around your home- get some insecticide and kill it. Its time we take back our homes from these bugs.

We found some pretty good information on the site:

For more information Visit Kill A Stink Bug Day

Friday, July 29, 2011

Is it a good idea to vacuum stink bugs?

Is it a good idea to vacuum stink bugs?
Its all up to you, but for me–NO! No! Unless you have money to blow on buying a special stink bug vacuum every few months, why destroy your property for stink bugs. That’s like encouraging someone to buy a separate car so the stink bugs can destroy that not your car, both are your cars, would you buy an extra car for a thief to steal? Then why by a special vacuum, set aside for stink bugs.
Whether you scoop them up or vacuum them, stink bugs are going to smell- kill the bugs then deal with the smell. I have said it again and again, these bugs will lay belly up in a window seal, “playing dead” all of a sudden you come a long, grab the vacuum, suck them up, then– stink up your vacuum, they get sucked in to stink bug heaven because other stink bugs are also in the bag with other “supposedly dead” bugs-they soon mate, by the time you throw the bag in the trash, they are now acquainted with several of their friends and now they emerge from the bag, ready to lay an entire new generation of stink bugs-Congratulations!
I am not buying a vacuum, for these bugs to destroy- I will by a fly swatter and chase them down and kill them, and leave their mutilated bodies as a testament to their friends.
In the end, do what you like! Keep in mind, buying a special vacuum is all you— but know in the end, a vacuum does nothing alone to stop the spread of stink bugs- it just gives them a meeting place, to meet other bugs and possible get pregnant and have more.

List of Top 10 Predators of Stink Bugs

List of Top 10 Predators of Stink Bugs 
1. Human Beings
2. Mother Nature
3. Parasitic wasps
4. Predatory stink bugs
5. Praying mantids
6. Garden spiders
7. Birds
8. Assassin bugs
9. Ants
10. Chickens

Will killing the brown marmorated stink bug attract more?

Will killing the brown marmorated stink bug attract more? No, this is a myth. Stink Bugs are indeed attracted to other stink bugs-living or dead. If there is a pile of dead stink bugs gathering in your window seal-quickly remove them because they will attract more. Regardless of whether these bugs are dead or alive, they feast off each other and anything and may, if necessary, start to nibble off of you.
The key is to kill these bugs either in a tissue or with a fly swatter, flush them down the toilet or even burn them. If you smell that odorous aroma they put off, bleach, spray and clean it but at least you killed this bug. The key is, if they are living they can attract more, if they are dead-they are dead.
Now, the immediate effects of killing these bugs may not bee seen for a while but keep killing them. If you see them in your window seal- kill them, and wash the spot where they were. Keep in mind that I don’t know about you but I would rather figure out how to get rid of the stink bug smell rather then trying to figure our how to stop the bugs from crawling into my salad because I refused to kill them. This way, American homes get cleaner and we all help eliminate a nationwide problem.
Make a Choice Today, Stop the Stink Bugs in Their Tracks!

How many stink bugs are there? Billions!

How many stink bugs are there? At this point no one knows, experts say it could be within the billions because these bugs can lay at least 100-500 eggs in a seasonal cycle. They usually lay about 20-30 eggs on the underside of leafs, and are strongest in the Fall and Spring.
Also, Since these bugs are not native to the U.S. they have NO KNOWN NATURAL PREDATORS! So they are free to populate and rub their brown marmorated bodies all over your clothes, sheets, crawl in your babies crib and hide in your hair all day because you won’t kill them on sight.
Experts like, Steve Jacobs a Senior Extension Associate at the Penn State Department of Entomology says these bugs originated from China (Yea, blame the Chinese) and are native to the asian countries(I guess, they have tapped out the excuse that- “African American” males are the source of the nation’s problems).
And if you think we are being a little dramatic, keep in mind when Napoleon marched to Russia in 1812 to “kick some butt” his forces were largely defeated by lice carrying typhus or the fact that many believed Alexander the Great died of malaria-carried by mosquitoes or maybe the fact that the BUBONIC PLAGUE is carried by fleas-concerned yet?
Check Out the Encyclopedia of Entomology. Although it is not “believed”, that these bugs carry diseases- keep in mind these experts descended from the same people who believed Hitler, in terms of modern day quick stardom and popularity, was comparative to the “Bieber” of Germany. In others, words his success was fleeting-yea right!
America, Stink Bugs Natural predator needs to be an American equipped with a fly swatter, insecticide and a sheer will to defeat these bugs one beat, smack, punch and squash at a time.

Are Stink Bugs Harmful?

Are Stink Bugs Harmful?
Yes! The most important thing you need to come to know about stink bugs is that they are harmful. They may not sting like a bee or shoot poison like a snake but they are just as bad in bulk. Stink bugs feed off of vegetation and fruit so the next time you go to your local grocery store and you decide to buy apples, peached, strawberries, lettuce etc- and you notice the price has jumped 30-40% realize, that-that price increase may be do to the stink bugs decimating the farmers crop.
These bugs have a needle like tongue that can pierce the flesh of both fruit and anything green and leafy and they can bite you if they feel threatened and we all have seen enough Hollywood movies to know the effects of a bite from a mutant beetle/insect.
The thing to keep in mind, with these bugs is to kill them on site. Not only will you be doing yourself a service you will also being doing the entire country a service. Just think, that for every 10 stink bugs that are out there, there is about 1 human being and if they should choose to develop some kind of intelligence we need to kill these bugs while we still have the upper hand- before its too late.

Does Ammonia Kill Stink Bugs?

Does Ammonia Kill Stink Bugs?
Yes and No! Yes, ammonia works to deter stink bugs but it does not directly kill them, over time yes, and they are less likely to return to the area in which you sprayed the ammonia but they may just simply fly to another spot in your house or try and find another home.
Keep in mind that if you dropped a stink bug directly into ammonia-Yes it would die eventually.
Of course you know this by now, but the best way to get rid of stink bugs is to clog all holes and constantly clean and check everything you own. The messed up things about these bugs is that they love to hide and we have found that they tend to migrate together. The key here, is that when you see one, kill it, because one can create 20-30 and with that kind of turn over -it won’t take long before your house is infested with these things.
Also, they, like many other bugs, like light when trapped in side they tend to migrate towards the light the best thing to do when they are inside your house is to get a fly swatter and kill them, put some fresh Breath-o-Pine or Pinesol in your toilet and keep putting them in there until you feel the need to flush. Naturally, sending these things to a cesspool or sewage treatment center may potentially turn them in the next “Teenage Mutant Ninja Sting Bug” but that is a chance we all must we willing to take to keep our homes safe from these annoying bugs.